Thursday, October 7, 2010

Chapter 6

Chapter 6, titled “Compound Claims” mentions many concepts. I leaned that when it comes to compound claims, it is simpler to view each claim independently. Also in an argument, “but” works the same way as “and,” it is just a stylistic variation. When considering valid arguments with two claims, and one claim is not true, then is known as disjunctive syllogism. An example of this form of argument is; “Either I will go to the store now and miss the beginning of the baseball game, or I will stay home and watch the whole baseball game first, then go shopping.” I can’t miss the first pitch of the game. Therefore I will stay home and watch the entire baseball game then go to the store. Another concept that I learned about was claims and their contrapositives. An example is; “If I get a tooth pulled out, then I went to the dentist.” The contrapositive is, “If I didn’t go to the dentist, then I didn’t get a tooth pulled.” Both claims in the example are equivalent.


  1. Hi Shasta,
    I liked your post about what you learned in chapter six. The post included a wide variety of concepts, showing that you read and understood the reading in the chapter. I enjoyed your addition of disjunctive syllogism. I read over that part in the book, however, I did not get the change to write about it. Also, your example was very clear and easy to understand, however, I was a bit confused as to what "form of the argument" you were talking about...disjunctive syllogism? Anywho, I also liked your claims and contrapositives example. I used many claims/negative claims examples in my post as well. Good job!

  2. Hey Big Shasta I enjoyed reading your post. It was very interesting and a good summary to the chapter. I enjoy the way you presented your examples as well. The examples were very down to earth and fun to read, it also gave a very clear and concise view of the concept. The way you used both baseball and shopping in your example got me intrigued and kept me interested in your post. Then after that example your dentist example was executed very well. I also did contrapositive in one of my post and I really like your example I actually liked it more then the books example! Over all I thought your post was executed very well and hope you keep it up!
