Saturday, October 23, 2010

Assignment #2

The second course assignment, Critical Thinking and Social Organizations, was very useful in my opinion. It was useful to me because it helped increase my knowledge of the topics we’ve been learning about. It also helped give me a better understanding of the concepts and how they are used and seen in common aspects of life. It helped expand my knowledge on concepts such as, concealed claims, fallacies, and the use of emotion to appeal. I found out that many websites and organizations use the concept of emotion to appeal. This concept is used by organizations who want to get a person’s attention and maybe influence them to do something, such as donate, or help spread awareness about an issue. They could also want the viewer to help promote something such as a product. In the case with the American Cancer Society, the concept of emotion to appeal was used to help gain support for breast cancer and to donate money to support the cause.

1 comment:

  1. I agree totally with your post about the second assignment. It was very useful to learn about the different organizations. It was also interesting to know about the various concepts that each organization uses. My group did MADD (mothers against drunk driving) and they used a lot of emotional appeal to get member and donations as well. I agree that when I look at most of the organizations out there they use the same methods that MADD of the American Cancer Society to get donations or the support their cause. In conclusion I agree with your post and hope that you keep up the good work.
