Thursday, December 9, 2010

My Favorite Thing

I enjoyed several things in this class. My favorite thing about this class however was the group assignments. I enjoyed working in groups because I like being a part of a team. We were able to divide the work and we each were responsible for our own work. We came together and worked well. Having an assignment divided up is sometimes better because we don’t have to spend as much time on it as we would if we were each doing it individually. My least favorite thing about the class was the posts each week. I felt like sometimes it was just busy work. An improvement I would suggest is not making each post be 12 hours apart. Students these days sometimes have a large workload in addition to a job and don’t always have the time to accomplish assignments when they want to. Student’s resources can also be limited and forcing them to make each post 12 hours apart can be very difficult. I would maybe shorten the length to 8 hours apart or shorter. This way they most certainly have time to complete assignments.

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